
Kerry's Custom Woodwork

Kerry Burdett

In 1999, Kerry started his custom woodwork business. Over the years, he has made many different and unique designs. As a hobby, he worked on the plans during his spare time. The reason he does it is that he has a passion for creating things and helping others in need, but does not have the means to do that. He can always be found watching some sports on the television early in the morning with a cup of coffee in his hand.

The early days

As everyone who works with wood does, Kerry started out by fixing things around the house, which is what most woodworkers do. Eventually, he built everything from dinner tables, islands, patios, and even all the patio furniture around the house. Even the wooden cabinets and shelves. He would continue on doing small projects for his children and wife for many years to come. There were always plenty of projects turning a house into a home.

Kerry & April

Paw Paw & Maw Maw

Always working

When anyone in the family needed something, he was always there to help them. No matter whether he was building a desk for the kids to work at, shelves for the kids to hang their trophies on, or any other project the kids came up with, he made it by hand. There is never a dull moment around the shop. Kerry loves animals and has a shop cat that loves sleeping on his motorcycle.

It’s Leisure Time

In addition to woodworking, Kerry spent a lot of time working in the oilfields until he finally retired. When he was a young man, he enjoyed competing in fastpitch softball as a pitcher. He also enjoys playing golf in his spare time. During the time that his oldest grandchild, Mailey was in high school, he got to spend countless hours with her playing golf.  

Mailey & Paw Paw at Golf Course
Mailey & Paw Paw at Golf Course

Girls with Paw Paw working on Ladders

Family Time

As every spring comes around, he gets to enjoy watching his two granddaughters playing softball. There aren’t many weekends when his shop isn’t busy with family projects, helping with customer orders, or just hanging out eating popcorn and playing games with his friends and family. During the fall, bonfires, cornholes, and Mexican trains are some of the most popular activities that can be found at the shop.